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An environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and the United States (U.S.) Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) guidelines, in support of the Rolle Airfield Master Plan. It summarizes the potential environmental effects of implementing the projects identified in the Final Rolle Airfield Master Plan (Master Plan), dated May 2015 and the approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP). The Yuma County Airport Authority (YCAA) plans to improve and enhance the existing airport over the 20-year planning period as described in the Master Plan.
The YCAA’s Proposed Action is to renew the contract and license agreement with BOR to operate and maintain the Airport. The Proposed Action is not seeking environmental clearance for the development of the Airport as depicted in the Master Plan. All of the proposed projects identified in the Master Plan will have separate environmental clearance documentation prepared sometime in the future.
This EA provides information needed by the responsible federal official to determine whether to prepare a finding of no significant impact or prepare a more detailed environmental impact statement.
2017-04 Rolle Field EA.pdf | | |