Notice and agenda of meeting of a meeting of
the Board of Directors that is open to the public
on , at ,
in the Yuma International Airport conference room on the second floor.
(Next Committee Meeting)

Thank you for attending our YCAA Meeting

Bill Craft, President
Russell Jones, 2nd Vice President
Juan Guzman, Secretary
William Fox, Director
Jenny Torres, Director
Dr. Brian Cullen, Director
Dean Hager, 1st Vice President
Stanley Gourley, Treasurer
Reetika Dhawan, Director
Albert Gardner, Director
Ken Scott, Director

Mission Statement: "The Yuma County Airport Authority’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient and customer focused airport to serve Greater Yuma."

The Board of Directors of the Yuma County Airport Authority establishes a schedule of Airport Rates and Charges, adopts an annual budget and sets policy direction. The Airport Director and staff develop recommendations, implement the Board's policies, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Call to Order

How a Citizen May Be Heard

Public Comment: The Board of Directors welcomes your input. Visit our public comment web page at any time and let us know what you think. You can also fill out public comment cards before any board meeting. Comment cards can be directed to an individual, the Airport Director or a committee. Your opinion is important to us and we appreciate your participation. Comment cards are required if you wish to take advantage of the two public comment sessions during each Board meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, citizens may offer public comment for up to three minutes on any topic relating to the airport. At the end of the meeting, prior to voting on any agenda items, the Board will accept comments on any agenda item to be voted on.

Also, the Airport Authority frequently hosts public comment sessions during Committee meetings. During committee meetings, the chairperson will often invite open discourse on the subject under consideration. Check our web site often to stay informed of when committee meetings are held.

As indicated in the following Agenda, the Airport Authority may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to discuss matters identified below as permitted by A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(1)-(7).

Approval of Minutes (if any)

Scheduled Agenda and Committee Updates: The Board may choose to discuss, vote, or take action upon any agenda item below. All items listed under the Consent Agenda, if any, will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless the Board or member of the audience wishes to speak about an individual item. These will be moved to the end of the Regular Agenda.

No documents found

Note: Items marked with are tentatively scheduled at this time.

Military Liaison

Action Agenda
The Board may vote on any matters raised for possible action on the published agenda.

Summary of Current Events
The President, Airport Director or members of the Airport Authority may present a brief summary of current events; however, no legal action will be proposed, discussed, or taken, nor will any deliberations be held thereon.

Executive Session
The Board of Directors may vote to go into executive session during the noticed meeting concerning any of the agenda items mentioned above. If authorized by the requisite vote of the Directors, the executive session will be held immediately after the vote and will not be open to the public. The executive session, if held, will be at the same meeting location set forth above. The discussion may relate to personnel, public records, confidential legal advice or counsel, litigation, real estate or other matters permitted pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 38-431.03(A)(1)-(7). The President or other presiding officer shall instruct the persons present at the executive session regarding the confidentiality requirements of the Open Meeting Laws.

Reconvene to Public Meeting (If Required from Executive Session)
. Discussion and possible actions for any agenda items discussed in Executive Session.


Certification of Posting: This Notice and Agenda may be updated until 24 hours prior to each Board Meeting. A paper copy of this posting is available for public inspection on the Airport's bulletin board located outside of the Airport Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the terminal building. The electronic version of the agenda can be found on the airport's web site at www.yumaairport.com.

Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Yuma County Airport Authority, Inc.’s office at 726-5882. Requests should be made as early as possible to arrange the accommodation.

ARS 38-431.01 states that YCAA meetings “may be recorded by any person in attendance by means of a tape recorder or camera or any other means of sonic reproduction, provided that there is no active interference with the conduct of the meeting.” Due to the limited space in the conference room such recordings may only be accomplished from the public seating area on the south side of the conference room. Tripods are not authorized.

Copyright 2024 by Yuma International Airport